Saturday, July 9, 2011

A study of Adha and Omega-3 Supplements

!±8± A study of Adha and Omega-3 Supplements

Attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (Adha) are always learning disorders in children. The transition from childhood to adulthood is a challenging time for most teenagers and could hyperactive or irritable during this period. Studies suggest that there is a clear connection between Adha and omega 3 fatty acids.

Essential fatty acids or essential fatty acids are an integral part of our system and we need them for the proper functioning of our body. However, these fats can notproduced in our bodies and we must have on our diet and supplements.

Our growing dependence on food grain processed, cooked and together they led to a significant increase in omega-6 fatty acids and the lack of omega-3 fatty acids in our diet. This imbalance is responsible for a series of physical and mental disorders.

Essential fatty "acid deficiency is one of the main factors, the breast and colon cancer, heart attack, diabetes, hypertension, skin diseases,Digestive problems, chronic pain and inflammation, and hormonal problems.

Doctors recommend fish oil supplements for children with learning difficulties such Adha. This is because fish oils contain fatty acids EPA and DHA are essential for the proper functioning of brain cells.

DHA or docosahexaenoic acid is the main component of our brain, while eicosapentaenoic acid or EPA controls communication between the brain and nerve cells. The lack of these fats leads to mental disorderssuch as schizophrenia, depression, memory loss, insomnia, attention deficit disorders, etc.

In addition to fish oil, children should consume these problems more green leafy vegetables, nuts, hemp seed, linseed and rapeseed oil. All these are a good source of polyunsaturated fatty acids have numerous health benefits.

Most therapies for the treatment of behavioral disorders and learning in children, should, steroids and psychological treatment. This may temporarilyReduction in the intensity of symptoms such as hyperactivity, lethargy, lack of concentration, etc. However, for natural and permanent solution, you need to change in omega-3 supplements.

EPA and DHA fats actually improve the brain cells, improves memory and concentration power in children. They strengthen the nervous system and improves neuronal function in the body. The children regularly consume fish oils have higher IQ levels, stability of mood and a good ability to learn.

Pregnant women areadvised to increase their intake of DHA, as in the brain and retinal development in children helps. Polyunsaturated fatty acids are also known to reduce the risk of coronary heart disease, controlling cholesterol levels in the blood. They also inhibit blood clotting and platelet production.

Supplements of fish oil to reduce inflammation throughout the body and offer a break of joint problems like arthritis, joint pain, etc. You can control the rise in blood sugar levelsMetabolic rate and increase levels of immunity of our body.

University of Adha and omega-3 showed promising results. So when it comes to you and your loved ones health ', you must choose the best supplements. Purchase molecularly distilled to ensure the pharmaceutical quality fish oil supplements of the highest purity and quality.

A study of Adha and Omega-3 Supplements

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