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Monday, May 23, 2011

The West of nutrients missing (Third of four articles on EFA) - alpha-linolenic acid - omega-3 EFA

!±8± The West of nutrients missing (Third of four articles on EFA) - alpha-linolenic acid - omega-3 EFA

Of all the important nutrients that our body needs to function properly, the alpha-linolenic acid is used to obtain the most difficult in Western society today. It 's probably the worst shortages caused by our "Gimmie-led," they eat now culture.

It was not always like this: A hundred years has gone hand in hand with ALA deficit hunger, rather than the throat and most people have had enough. This article, the third of my four on essential fatty acids (EFA), watch it, because I do it nowgo to this essential nutrient, and what you can do to help themselves.

The Great Western ALA deficiency

ALA (LNA as to confuse us) is more difficult to get enough like other essential foods. It 's the key omega-3 fatty acid, because all the other omega-3 fatty acids can be produced in her body. A U.S. study suggests that 85% of us is a lack of ALA, because food manufacturers to remove it from improving their oil to write off inventory andSupermarket. and why is it so valuable as a nutrient - ALA is very fast because it is so reactive rancid!

It 'important to remember that if you want to use the body to build cells and repair of ALA, are eaten in proportion to other fatty acids. If there is too much in your diet (and in the West, there is a rule), one can not extract enough ALA, and most go for fuel only - very bad for you though, the lack of ALA, such as Most people aream. The same is true if you eat more than a little 'trans-fat - it blocks the absorption of ALA - or when out and about saturated fat, which many people come from animal fats and cheese.

Thus, a balanced diet is essential if your ALA are available and must not be wasted. Most people in the West need to reduce omega-6 rich oils, and instead of eating Omega-7 and -9 rich oils (monounsaturated fatty acids) as canola oil and olive oil. The ideal relationship between our intake ofthe two fatty acids is from 1.01 bis 03.01 clock.

Where to find ALA

The head of easy to find a source of ALA is flaxseed oil, which is always easy to find in pharmacies and must be kept in sealed bottles unrefined dark and refrigerated or frozen, or prevent, bitter taste, as it oxidizes. Therefore, it is used for treating wood used as varnishes and paints - it hardens to a wax, then a paint, very light. To this end, it is known as linseed oil andalways rancid, if it - completely inedible. A note here - if your local store keeps their edible oil flax seed on an open shelf and, worse, in a hot shop, waiting for the bitter taste.

Linseed oil is about 50-60% ALA, and you have less than a tablespoon of the necessary 5.9 grams of ALA receive each day. Or you can eat linseed (flax) - but destroy them sooner or later they will go directly! The package will tell you the percentage of ALA per ounce or gram

Not alwaysfry in oil - ALA is easily destroyed and transformed into toxic at high temperatures: Another reason is taken from the refineries. It is recommended that raw food (such as salad oil, for example) has, and cooked food after cooking. I have it in soups, curries, chili and stews, I like cream - is done after cooking. You can cook with it, when baked goods are not burned dark brown, but do not forget that is quite a strong aroma.

Other sources of ALA

WhileFlaxseed is the most important source, it is possible to ALA in a variety of other natural foods, unprocessed found in small quantities. Unfortunately, there are few sources with something similar to the concentration found in linseed oil. Hard to find and are expensive oil candlenut Chia and about 30% and its seeds a popular natural source of ALA were in areas with little to do, but flax oil available quite cheap, because such a pricy but less rich should go alternative?

Hemp oil hasALA 20% and is much cheaper. Therefore, it is a better source and more balanced with a near perfect ratio of LA and ALA. Like flax seed, hemp seed was once a staple winter food for humans and animals throughout the Northern Hemisphere. So why do not all eat the seeds? ALA-rich crops or cattle are fed to their health, but in the West, it is necessary to determine whether hemp seeds or oil, if you eat may not be a drugs test for cannabis - another popular productcertain varieties of hemp! In the food cannabinol cannabis is very little or nothing, but some tests for the presence of cannabis as a drug user, it can not be exactly the same.

There are some oils that are mixed have a composition similar to oil, but not cannabis. The leader and the oil mixture from the Canadian original choice Udo Udo Erasmus composed the first published value of linseed oil in the mid-80s, is produced by Flora Canada. But there are manyThe alternative, not all of the report "ideal" of 1:3. Find all these oils in a cool place or in the freezer or not to buy.

If you are using hemp oil, or select the mix, be aware that already have the ideal omega-6 to omega-3 ratio. It 'good to eat omega-3 fatty acids in addition to this, but if the omega-6 oils such as sunflower or corn, there is balance and compromise the intake of omega-3. Replace your polyunsaturated oils rich in monounsaturated fatty acidswill help, but you should get your oil and total fat intake is low, however.

Other oils useful

A few common oils are around 5% ALA: rape (including canola), soybeans, walnuts and wheat germ oil. The beautiful dark green pumpkin seed oil were 15%, or it could be anyone, depending on the variety. All of these are capable of delivering a small part of your ALA, but if you eat enough of them for a full range, you're in Los Angeles overdose and saturated fat. Be careful! EIf the oil is refined - will tell you if you do not - the content of ALA is very likely to be lower, or even worse than useless in hydrogenated trans fats.

The common cooking oils from coconut, corn, cotton, grape seed, olive, palm, peanut and sunflower oil, and all animal fats, ALA is not useful, nor most of the nut oils.

Alright. Now you know enough to eat, what to avoid deficiency disease ALA suffered slightly more Western. Do you?

The West of nutrients missing (Third of four articles on EFA) - alpha-linolenic acid - omega-3 EFA

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Friday, May 20, 2011

Essential fatty acids Omega 3, 6 and 9 - What is the difference?

!±8± Essential fatty acids Omega 3, 6 and 9 - What is the difference?

The essential fatty acids omega fatty acids that are better known. They are called essential because they are not made by your body should be from your diet. While many people a large amount of omega-6 in their diet, intake of omega 3 fatty acids is usually very low.

There are many different types of these fatty acids, these are best explored on human health and alpha-linolenic acid (ALA), eicosapentaenoic acid (EPA) and docosahexaenoic acid (DHA), that areacids.

There are many indications that omega-3 fatty acids are particularly important for health. EPA and DHA in fish oil are the subject of thousands of studies that clearly show cardiovascular services and a lower mortality rate, as the main benefits of these fats. Both omega 3 and omega 6 fatty acids are found in the membranes of each of your cells!

Essential fatty acids: Omega-3

Omega 3 fatty acids are probably the most important for health. AThe main reason is because the inflammation, a primary cause tend to eliminate many of the degenerative diseases so common today - heart disease, diabetes, Alzheimer's, arthritis, and more.

Most of the health benefits associated with omega-3 fatty acids are animal fats, EPA and DHA, not the plant-based ALA. ALA can be converted into EPA and DHA in the body, but only at a very low rate. This makes it less desirable plant sources.

The fish is by far the best sourceOmega-3 fats. Other good sources are:

Flax seed and flax seed oil Hemp seeds and hemp oil Nuts Canola oil Eggs Pumpkin Seeds

Essential fatty acids: Omega 6 -

The other type is the primary essential fatty acid linoleic acid, also known as omega-6. Although omega-6 has earned a reputation as "bad fats", are not always healthy. However, problems can occur if you consume too much omega 6 as the amount of omega-3 than eat.

Omega6-please do inflammation, reducing omega-3. Any increase in the inflammation contributes to disease much Omega-3 have been shown to help. Both Omega 3 and 6 fatty acids are necessary for optimal health.

Good sources of omega-6 are:

Sunflower oil Safflower oil Corn oil Canola oil Soybean oil Flax seed and flax seed oil Hemp seeds and hemp oil Eggs

Essential fatty acids: Omega-9's

Omega-9 fat is the most common of all in nature. They arenot considered essential, because you can do the other omega-9 fatty acids in your body.

Omega-9 are found in olive oil, avocados, peanuts and almonds. It is interesting to note that oil produced by glands in the skin of the same omega-9 fatty acid is abundant in olive oil: oleic acid.

Trans fats - the one and only "Bad" Fat

The only really "bad" fats are those that are not in the nature: trans fats. The food industry has created trans fats hydrogenated with the addition of more hydrogenThe atoms in the molecular structure, creating an unnatural product, a process in your body.

It took decades, but the health dangers of trans fats has finally reached the public consciousness. Many manufacturers are now promoting trans-fat free snacks and other processed foods. This still does not make these healthy foods, but. The best thing is to avoid its all processed foods, and avoid trans fats entirely.

Essential fatty acids Omega 3, 6 and 9 - What is the difference?

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Wednesday, May 18, 2011

Hemp seed oil can help treat arthritis

!±8± Hemp seed oil can help treat arthritis

Many people would have arthritis as a simple and natural process of aging, but not to reject it. It is a debilitating disease that slowly beheaded yet. Arthritis comes in many forms and associated pain symptoms. Somehow, the introduction of modern technologies and medical breakthroughs, we look for an organic alternative to fight arthritis know that it is safer and more cost effective.

Arthritis simply means inflammation of the joints. We have a wide range of couplings in ourBody and this condition refers to the swelling and pain that occurs in the affected area caused by someone with him.

What happens to the affected area is marked as "gravel cartilage and bone." Stretching the muscles, joint damage, which would cause the bone and cartilage of the left firmly against each other, the searing pain caused deterioration of the rub and damage the affected joints. This continues to happen over and over again,is a painful cycle and it gets worse with time.

Although there seems to be a dead end, there are many alternative treatment options available natural and there is one that perfectly match your criteria.

In this context, we "are the food source is nutritionally complete in the world" capsule hemp oil, which has apparently recommended "natural perfectly balanced oil" and it is. Its fluid formulation can with a spoon and taste really good.This is recommended for long-term use. E 'state, compared to his other colleagues, because it has a perfectly balanced composition of fatty acids.

In addition, essential fatty acids (EFA) and gamma-linolenic acid (GLA), contains both very important to achieve a general state of optimal health.

GLA (gamma linolenic acid) studies have also shown that the hemp oil, reduces the risk of heart attack and strengthens the immune system. Essential fatty acids lowers cholesterol,Promote good blood circulation and improves the general function of organs.

Cannabis sativa is considered the most important of all cultures, in the sense that it has provided valuable edible seeds, oil and medicines available. Imbalances in particular fatty acids appear to be associated with common diseases such as arthritis, eczema, acne and more. This further promotes the use of hemp oil as it is rich in essential amino acids and essential fatty acids. It 'also rich in protein.

It can also be used inCook delicious and healthy. It has a nutty taste, which is then ideally in the vegetable side, this is a must-do for vegetarians supplement. It could also be used as part of a magnificent diving and salad dressings. Better yet, can be taken in its natural form as a nutritional supplement.

Hemp seed oil can help treat arthritis

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Monday, May 16, 2011

Discover the foods rich in omega 3 fatty acids

!±8± Discover the foods rich in omega 3 fatty acids

Omega-3 fats should be consumed regularly, to prevent certain diseases and to ensure the long-term health. There are many foods rich in fatty acids that can be consumed every day in order to obtain sufficient quantities of these.

plant foods and animal foods: Foods rich in omega-3 can be divided into two main categories. There are many foods of animal origin, large amounts of omega-3 fatty acids such as DHA and EPA are included. Fish is the only known source of omega-3, which contains optimal levels of both DHAand EPA.

Unlike other than fish, shrimp and seafood are also rich in fats. Vegetable oils such as hemp oil, soybean oil and linseed oil are also good sources. These oils are good for your health as clean and does not contain impurities. Moreover, they also contain a good amount of omega-6, which are necessary for the functions of omega-3 supplements in the body.

For these foods rich in essential fatty acids, hemp oil offers the best balance of both Omega-3 and omega-6.Flaxseed contains sufficient amounts of ALA, which is a long chain fatty acids. ALA is broken down into EPA and DHA reduced the body.

There are some alternative foods such as tofu and fortified eggs, which provide discrete amounts of DHA and EPA. beans, nuts, almonds and beans are also good sources of omega-3 fatty acids.

All these foods should be added to obtain daily nutrition needed daily amounts of fatty acids. 1 portion of good, oily fish such as salmonprovides up to 1000 mg of EPA and DHA combination of both, enough to meet up to 4 days. For this reason, doctors recommend eating fish twice a week.

Supplements are also available on the market at regular intervals can be consumed in addition to proper nutrition and balanced. These supplements are effective and can range from people of all ages are consumed.

It is recommended to buy good quality fish oil supplements, pharmaceutical grade product. In addition tofound that fish oil products from fish hoki in New Zealand, are the most effective as this oil contains small amounts of mercury and other toxins.

Discover the foods rich in omega 3 fatty acids

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Saturday, May 7, 2011

As the hemp seed oil help arthritis

!±8± As the hemp seed oil help arthritis

It 's a big deal who suffer today with the huge number of people with arthritis in its many forms. It is said that more than half the population of that country, which is over 60 suffer from osteoarthritis or rheumatoid arthritis.

That both forms of the disease, in fact, I'm not going to go in, because it is a long and complex argument. But it is a form of inflammatory arthritis, conventional medicine does not seem to address.

Both are caused by what I call"Bone and cartilage pebbles, pieces of bone and cartilage in the joints that are left after the body has begun to degenerate, friction joints move each time. This rub" dirty "on the nerve endings, pain, and simultaneously create more damage "gravel" as far as rubbing of the bones and cartilage. In other words, a vicious circle, modern medicine can not solve.

But there are opportunities in the field of alternative medicine that can, and I know of manyThe cases that have had to break this circle.

I recommend a daily clean hemp oil capsules or liquid that is very tasty, and can be taken with a spoon, as it should be long term. Hemp oil is made from hemp seeds: the nutritionally complete food source in the world.

Taking a high quality hemp oil is exactly the same for your body like oil in your car engine. It lubricates the system. Hemp is a profile almost perfectly balanced Omega 3, 6 and 9 to singleMeeting the needs of the body.

contains unique among seed oil is also common GLA (gamma linolenic acid) and even more clearly raises circulating GLA.

GLA (gamma linoleic acid) is the worldwide research shows that hemp oil (as all the essential fatty acids) to heal the body's natural ability and also strengthens our immune system strengthens. Essential fatty acids in hemp are renowned for their ability of cell growth and organ function, vitality and improve mental well-knownState.

Studies have shown that many common diseases (such as eczema, arthritis and many other problems) deficiencies or imbalances of specific fatty acids are linked, in particular, Omega 3, 6 and 9 seeds of the plant Cannabis sativa, hemp (not the drug packaging!) All the essential amino acids and essential fatty acids needed to maintain healthy human life. No other work was a source of essential amino acids in an easily digestible form, norhas the essential fatty acids together in perfect proportion to the nutritional needs of man.

Its distinctive nutty flavor makes it ideal for use in salad dressings, sauces, etc., in addition to all the vegetables, or just taken as a dietary supplement.

Hemp oil is suitable for vegetarians and vegans.

As the hemp seed oil help arthritis

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