Wake up and smell the pot. The drug war is absolutely useless. The DEA must provide constant propaganda to create a reason to exist. While our national economy and natural resources continue to fall as a versatile plant is stupidly ignored and even demonized by those who know absolutely nothing about hemp. Since the founding of the DEA, drug use has become so dramatic. And 'statistically proven that countries that eliminate or substantially reduce drug laws enjoya reduction in use, and a huge savings for people. Also, everything can be wood or oil-based hemp. No wonder that tobacco, alcohol, oil and timber industry millions of dollars to donate one day a "Partnership for a Drug Free America." Although cannabis "marijuana" has killed ZERO people! Almost three quarters of a million people a year are arrested for marijuana offenses. People who have imprisoned more per capita than any other nation in the world (perhaps with Russiaexception). Regardless of the blatant stupidity has to stop! Contact your congressman / woman and urge them to support the production of industrial hemp. Industrial hemp can not get high anyway. Hemp was the first crop, more than a billion dollars a year are estimated harvest in 1937! To adjust for inflation, that would be $ 14,814,320,069.55 today! We have the technology for hemp in everything you can think of. Hemp products are of superior quality to products made of wood and oil. Less chemicals are needed... !8!# General Electric Water Softener Save You Money! !8!# Poulan Chain Saw Parts Fast